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OS NEGÓCIOS DE BRUXELAS – The Brussels Business (2012)

25 de Março de 2017

Os Negocios De Bruxelas – The Brussels Business (2012)
“Documentário sobre a questão dos lobbys em torno das instituições europeias em Bruxelas.

«Os Negócios de Bruxelas» é um documentário emocionante que mergulha nas profundezas escuras do mundo de 15.000 lobistas que representam a UE na sua capital política Bruxelas, na Bélgica.

Os Diretores Friedrich Moser e Matthieu Lietaert tentam explicar como as decisões, sociais, empresariais e políticas tomadas em Bruxelas foram e ainda estão sendo influenciadas por organizações lobistas.

Neste filme seguimos dois homens: um ativista político lutando contra a corrupção lobista, e uma “estrela” lobista em questões de comércio europeu e internacional.”

A estratégia do medo mostra que já perderam

8 de Setembro de 2016

Não é todos os dias que aparece um economista com o estatuto de Joseph Stiglitz a afirmar com toda a clareza que Portugal deve sair do euro. A Antena 1 resolveu entrevistá-lo e as televisões tiveram de ir atrás.

(ouvir aqui)

Porém, o comentador de economia da SIC Notícias, José Gomes Ferreira, não gostou mesmo nada do que disse Stiglitz e, assumindo que não percebe nada de economia, resolveu desancar no economista norte-americano 

(ver aqui)

Desde logo, exactamente por ser norte-americano pois, insinuou, os economistas norte-americanos têm um inconfessado interesse geoestratégico no fracasso do euro. Ora vejam lá, uma moeda cujo peso nos pagamentos internacionais não foi além do que representavam as anteriores moedas seria uma ameaça ao dólar, o que motivaria as análises críticas destes economistas.

A ideia da conspiração dos EUA contra a UE é uma fábula muito frequente nos círculos europeístas. Porém, a fábula não resiste a um mínimo de investigação histórica. Jean Monet e os restantes pais fundadores da UE eram íntimos dos círculos do poder nos EUA e sempre contaram com o seu generoso apoio através da CIA. Sem o assentimento dos EUA, a UE nunca teria existido e Maastricht não foi um obstáculo à continuidade dessa parceria.

O facto é que, desde sempre, houve economistas dos dois lados do Atlântico que sabiam que o euro é uma aberração histórica, que uma moeda europeia sem um Estado europeu seria, por natureza, uma construção política condenada ao fracasso. O valor de uma moeda é determinado pela garantia de que o Estado que essa moeda serve, dotado de um banco que cria a moeda necessária, paga sempre as suas dívidas. Isto não existe na UE-Zona Euro e essa é uma razão fundamental para a crise em que está mergulhada.

(recordo o economista Nicholas Kaldor, um precursor)

Ao tentar desvalorizar Stiglitz, JGF caiu no ridículo. Procurando amedrontar os portugueses, disse as maiores barbaridades sobre as implicações de uma saída de Portugal da zona euro. Chegou ao ponto de afirmar que o país iria regredir décadas. Afirmações destinadas a meter medo aos telespectadores que, como é sabido, não têm acesso a opiniões diferentes. Com este tipo de comentadores, a SIC Notícias e os restantes canais de televisão estão transformados em canais de propaganda do sistema vigente com o objectivo de anestesiar o povo.

Vejamos um dos disparates de JGF: “as dívidas ficam em euros”. Precisamente o contrário. A esmagadora maioria das empresas e famílias portuguesas tem dívidas com contratos regidos pelo direito português. Todos esses contratos serão redenominados automaticamente com a saída do euro. Portanto, as dívidas das famílias e das empresas convertem-se na nova moeda. Os salários de uma família e a sua dívida ao banco, em termos relativos, ficam na mesma.

Segundo a jurisprudência internacional (lex monetae), também a dívida pública emitida sob legislação nacional, mesmo que esteja na posse de estrangeiros, é convertida na nova moeda. É a isto que se referem os operadores financeiros quando falam do ‘risco de redenominação’ (ver aqui);

Claro que isto traz problemas à banca no que toca às dívidas que tenha contraído no estrangeiro. Por isso mesmo alguns bancos poderão ter dificuldade em pagar as suas dívidas em euros a bancos estrangeiros, e terão de ser recapitalizados (e nacionalizados) com o apoio do banco central, do Banco de Portugal. Note-se que, num país com moeda própria, as dívidas do Estado ao respectivo banco central são dívidas do Estado ao próprio Estado.O Estado tem uma dívida à troika que, pela jurisdição em que foi contraída, permanece em euros. Por isso, terá de ser renegociada, mas agora em posição de força porque o Estado português já não precisará dos seus empréstimos para se financiar.

Quanto à perda do poder de compra dos salários, JGF talvez não saiba que a taxa de desvalorização da nova moeda não se traduz em inflação do mesmo nível. Talvez não saiba que o conteúdo em importações do cabaz de bens de consumo de uma família anda pelos 25%, o que significa que uma desvalorização de 50% no imediato (mas que não se repete) se traduziria numa subida de preços de 50%x25%= 12,5%. É uma subida de preços pontual que tende a esbater-se nos anos seguintes. Não é inflação, no sentido de subida permanente dos preços a essa taxa. Claro que a inflação no país será maior fora do euro, mas isso vem acompanhado de um nível de desemprego muito mais baixo, como acontece em todos os países em desenvolvimento. Só num país em grave estagnação, caso da Zona Euro, é que os preços não sobem mais do que 1% ao ano e não há teoria económica que justifique um nível de inflação perto dos 2%, o mandato do BCE. A Rússia e a Islândia fizeram desvalorizações maiores e não consta que tenham regredido décadas, bem pelo contrário. A Islândia até alcançou o pleno emprego.

Ou seja, para defender a manutenção de Portugal nesta crise sem fim, JGF vê-se forçado a exagerar os custos da saída do euro pintando um cenário de calamidade. Mas não devemos estranhar porque, à medida que o fracasso do euro se vai tornando evidente para o comum dos cidadãos, maior será a histeria dos avençados do sistema. Nos próximos tempos até poderemos ver um ou outro ‘virar a casaca’ com o maior descaramento.

Seremos nós capazes de criar formas de comunicação alternativa para que o povo tenha acesso ao contraditório que os media lhe negam?


Islândia e a desvalorização;

Rússia e a desvalorização;

Lex monetae;

Google sabe muito sobre si, será verdade ?

8 de Maio de 2016
tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Quando Edward Snowden revelou que o Governo norte-americano conseguia espiar cidadãos em todo o mundo, a notícia foi recebida com choque e preocupação pela violação da privacidade de cada um. Porém, já se sabe que a a Agência de Segurança Norte-Americana (NSA) não é a única a manter registos de dados pessoais. Ferramentas e empresas ligadas à Web também o fazem, e neste caso são os utilizadores quem fornece os dados.

O gigante Alphabet, que detém o Google, é um desses exemplos. A empresa é dona de algumas das ferramentas e sites mais importantes da web, e ao utilizá-las está a fornecer muita da sua informação pessoal, que depois é usada para gerir, por exemplo, as suas preferências no que toca a anúncios em sites como o Youtube.

Desde informações que fornecemos voluntariamente ao criar uma conta Google, como o nome ou a data de nascimento, às suas pesquisas no motor de busca, e até aos sítios onde andou – se tem um telemóvel com sistema Android, que também pertence à empresa – a Google tem armazenada mais informação sobre si do que talvez possa imaginar.

No entanto, isto não significa que não possa controlar este acesso, ou verificar o que fica registado. O britânico Telegrapheleborou alguns passos para verificar e, se assim entender, apagar os seus registos.

1 – Verifique se está ligado com uma conta Google

Se utiliza o browser Chrome, da Google, já deve ter reparado que tem de criar uma conta para melhor utilizar alguns serviços e sites, como o Youtube. A Google só regista os seus “movimentos” se efetuar o login com uma conta destas.

 2. Copie este endereço:

É aqui que vai aceder à sua “área pessoal” e verificar todo o seu histórico. No topo da página pode verificar que está na área de “atividade da web e de aplicações”

No quadro de estatísticas apresentado, pode alternar entre “semana passada”, “mês passado”, “ano passado” e “sempre”, o que lhe vai apresentar o número de pesquisas que fez no motor de busca e em que dias da semana foram mais frequentes. Se continuar para baixo, pode ver exatamente aquilo que pesquisou, em todos os dias que esteve ligado com a conta Google.

3. Como apagar estes dados

No canto superior direito, clique no ícone com os três pontos na vertical. Em seguida selecione “Opções de eliminação” (Delete options). Pode escolher entre Hoje, Ontem, e se clicar em “Avançadas” apagar as últimas quatro semanas ou todo o histórico de pesquisas.

4. Por onde tem andado? Se traz o telemóvel consigo, a Google sabe

Se clicar nas três barras do canto superior esquerdo, surgem mais opções de outros registos guardados pelo Google. Entre eles está o “Histórico de Localizações”, onde pode verificar todos os locais onde passou com o telemóvel com a localização ligada, e exatamente em que dia.

5. Dados para anúncios

Para que lhe sejam apresentados anúncios de acordo com as suas preferências durante a navegação em sites com publicidades geridas pela Google, o sistema faz uma estimativa das suas preferências e dados. Se clicar nas mesmas três barras do ponto anterior, consegue ver em baixo “controlos da atividade”. Ao entrar aqui, selecione “definições de anúncios” e de seguida “gerir definições de anúncios”. Vai surgir um quadro com “os seus interesses” e até uma estimativa da faixa etária onde se encontra.

6. Onde se ligou à web?

O Google também sabe como e onde acedeu a última vez à internet

Como pode desligar estas opções?

É muito fácil. Em “controlos da atividade” selecione a opção “informações pessoais e privacidade”. De seguida vá desligando tudo o que não quiser registado.

Conclusão: Você é que decide o que o Google sabe sobre si. 


17 de Abril de 2016

Será que tudo isto é verdade????????????????
Se a actual mulher de pedro passo coelho só agora começa a ser conhecida para além do seu círculo de amigos, já a anterior, fátima padinha, era, na época, um dos rostos mais conhecidos de portugal – era a fá das doce, a girl band que, entre 1979 e 1986, coleccionou êxitos com temas como amanhã de manhã, ok ko, ali babá – um homem das arábias, bem bom, muitos mais.
Cinco ou seis anos mais velha do que o (então) jovem político, fátima padinha é a mãe das suas duas primeiras filhas: a joana, que nasceu em 1988, e a catarina, que nasceu em 1993. E pedro passos coelho, que cantava o fado na adega do ribatejo com os seus companheiros da jsd, na altura em que viveu com a cantora ainda tentou aperfeiçoar a sua voz de barítono, em aulas com uma professora de canto lírico. E até chegou a participar num casting para entrar num musical de filipe la féria.
Primeiro-ministro passos coelho
Ex-toxicodependente, com várias desintoxicações feitas em espanha, e com processos-crime por violência doméstica, por espancamento brutal da sua 1ª mulher, uma das cantoras do grupo musical conhecido, das ex-doce, o que fez por cinco vezes, pelo menos, conforme consta, com queixas dos vizinhos por desacatos no prédio onde morava!…
Não obstante tudo isto, eis o seu “invejável” cv:
Curriculum do primeiro-ministro deste país….
Meus amigos/as, algum de vós dava emprego (não estou a falar de trabalho!…) A alguém com esta “carreira de vida” (curriculum vitae [cv])!?…
Nome: pedro passos coelho
Morada: rua da milharada – Massamá
Data de nascimento: 24 de julho de 1964
Formação académica: licenciatura em economia –

Universidade lusíada (concluída em 2001, com 37 anos de idade!)
Percurso profissional:
Até 2004, apenas actividade partidária na jsd e psd; a partir de 2004 (já com 40 anos de idade) passou a desempenhar vários cargos em empresas do amigo e companheiro de partido, engº ângelo correia, de quem foi diligente e dedicado ‘moço-de-fretes’, tais como:
(2007-2009) administrador executivo da fomentinvest, sgps, sa;

(2007-2009) presidente da hlc tejo, sa;

(2007-2009) administrador executivo da fomentinvest;

(2007-2009) administrador não executivo da ecoambiente, sa;

(2005-2009) presidente da ribtejo, sa;

(2005-2007) administrador não executivo da tecnidata sgps;

(2005-2007) administrador não executivo da adtech, sa;

(2004-2006) director financeiro da fomentinvest, sgps, sa;

(2004-2009) administrador delegado da tejo ambiente, sa;

(2004-2006) administrador financeiro da hlc tejo, sa.

Este é o “magnífico” cv do homem que ‘teoricamente’ governa este país!
Um homem que nunca soube o que era trabalhar até aos 37 anos de idade! Um homem que, mesmo sem ocupação profissional, só conseguiu terminar a licenciatura (numa universidade privada…) Com 37 anos de idade!

Mais: um homem que mesmo sem experiência de vida e de trabalho, conseguiu logo obter emprego como administrador… Em empresas de ângelo correia, “barão maçónico” do psd, seu tutor e mentor político!…
E que nesse universo continua a exercer funções!…
É este o homem que fala de “esforço” na vida e de “mérito”!
É este o homem que pretende dar lições de vida a milhares de trabalhadores deste país que nunca chegarão a administradores de empresa alguma, mas que labutam arduamente há muitos e muitos anos nas suas empresas, tentando alimentar as suas famílias, tentando sobreviver, ganhando para isso, ordenados de miséria!
É este o homem que, em tom moralista, fala de “boys” e de “compadrios”, logo ele que, como se comprova, não precisou de “favores” de ninguém… Para arranjar emprego!…
Edificante… Não é?… Digam lá… Davam emprego a alguém com esta ‘folha de serviços? Um belo exemplo… Que nos governa e vem governando ainda.
Até quando? E não é difamação, pois é a mais pura verdade (embora a tentem «branquear»)…
Nb: a ser verdade toda esta revelação, não deixa de ser muito grave a todos os níveis. Digo, a ser verdade como um homem destes pode desempenhar funções de 1º. Ministro da nação? Onde estão as suas qualidades morais para desempenhar funções de representatividade dos cidadãos portugueses?
É verdade, sou um dos que depositei na urna o meu voto de confiança nesta pessoa, bem arrependido me sinto. Sendo eu um cidadão sem afinidade politica definida, por razões de profissão na área do jornalismo durante 26 anos, como agora é possível ter conhecimento desta folha de serviço vrs curriculum? Fico estarrecido de vergonha pelas mais diversas razões.
Nos meus tempos de estudante de teologia ouvi certa vez o seguinte:“pregas o que praticas, ou praticas o que pregas?” Tenhamos esta máxima em conta. Estas informações são graves de mais para serem verdade. Na minha opinião, claro.

Diretor da CIA: dispositivos conectados á web em sua casa facilitam espionagem

7 de Outubro de 2012
As novas tecnologias estão fazendo o trabalho de director da CIA, David Petraeus muito mais fácil. Segundo ele, o advento de dispositivos sem fio e conectada à web tem causado aos cidadãos colocam escutas na sua própria casa, efectivamente permitindo que a agência de espionagem para uma grande quantidade de informações com grande facilidade.


Se isso não fosse suficiente, as pessoas agora facilmente compartilhar a mais (in) detalhes importantes de suas vidas através do Facebook, que agora exibe toda esta informação de uma forma muito conveniente linha de tempo.

Outro conceito que é escovado em cima neste artigo é computação em nuvem. Anunciada como a próxima grande coisa em informática, computação em nuvem está sobre o armazenamento de todos os seus dados em servidores remotos “seguras” – em última análise, eliminando a necessidade de discos rígidos de computadores e dispositivos de armazenamento como pen drives. Embora esta tecnologia parece muito conveniente, é configurada para causar uma mudança drástica no mundo da computação: Em poucos anos, quase todos os arquivos pessoais, fotos e dados de usuários de computadores em todo o mundo serão armazenados em servidores gigantescos que será detida apenas por alguns mega-empresas. 
Apple já tem um sistema chamado iCloud que copia automaticamente o conteúdo de iPhones e iPads (incluindo fotos, contatos, etc) para um servidor remoto. Como Pertraeus próprio diz, toda esta informação é agora “localizado, identificado, monitorado e controlado remotamente” por parte da CIA – e quem mais. Aqui está um artigo sobre o amor Petraeus de novas tecnologias de fios.


Chefe da CIA: Nós vamos espionar você através de sua Máquina de lavar loiça

Mais e mais pessoal e aparelhos domésticos estão se conectando à Internet, a partir de sua televisão para os seus sistemas de navegação automóvel para interruptores de luz. Director da CIA, David Petraeus não posso esperar para espionar você através deles.
O Kinect é um dos aparelhos domésticos muitas que podem potencialmente ser usados ​​para espionar cidadãos.

No início deste mês, Petraeus refletiu sobre o surgimento de uma “Internet das coisas” – isto é, dispositivos com fio – em uma cúpula para a In-Q-Tel, da CIA empresa de capital de risco . “” Transformacional “é uma palavra muito utilizada, mas eu acredito que corretamente se aplica a essas tecnologias”, Petraeus entusiasmado “, especialmente para o efeito no Tradecraft clandestino.”

Todos esses novos dispositivos on-line são um tesouro de dados se você é uma “pessoa de interesse” para a comunidade de espionagem. Era uma vez, os espiões teve que colocar um bug em seu lustre para ouvir sua conversa. Com a ascensão da ” casa inteligente “, você estaria enviando marcadas, dados Geolocated que uma agência de espionagem pode interceptar em tempo real quando você usa o aplicativo de iluminação em seu telefone para ajustar ambiente da sua sala de estar.
“Itens de interesse serão localizados, identificados, monitorizados e controlados remotamente por meio de tecnologias como a Radio-Frequency IDentification, redes de sensores, pequenos servidores incorporados, e colectores de energia – todos conectados à Internet de próxima geração, utilizando abundante, de baixo custo, e computação de alta potência “, disse Petraeus,” este último indo agora para a computação em nuvem, em muitas áreas de supercomputação cada vez maior, e, finalmente, ir para a computação quântica. “
Petraeus admitiu que estes aparelhos domésticos espião “mudar as nossas noções de sigilo” e pedir uma reconsideração de Tudo o que é verdade “nossas noções de identidade e sigilo.” – Se conveniente para um director da CIA.
A CIA tem um monte de restrições legais contra a espionagem sobre cidadãos americanos. Mas a colecta de dados de geolocalização ambiente a partir de dispositivos é um grisalho área, especialmente após a 2008 carve-outs para a Lei de Vigilância de Inteligência Estrangeira . Os fabricantes de hardware, ao que parece, guardar um tesouro de dados de geolocalização , e alguns legisladores têm crescido assustado com o quão fácil é para ogoverno para rastreá-lo através de seu telefone ou PlayStation .
Isso não é apenas explorar os dados Petraeus intrigantes. Ele está interessado na criação de novas identidades on-line para seus espiões disfarçados – e varrendo as pegadas “digitais” de agentes que, de repente precisam desaparecer.

“Os pais orgulhosos documentar a chegada e crescimento de seu agente da CIA futuro em todas as formas de média social que o mundo pode acessar durante as próximas décadas”, observou Petraeus. “Além disso, temos de descobrir como criar a pegada digital para novas identidades de alguns oficiais.”

É difícil argumentar com isso. De cache on-line não é amigo de um espião . Mas Petraeus tem um amigo inadvertido no Facebook.
Por quê? Com a chegada da Linha do Tempo , o Facebook tornou super-fáceis de pré-datar sua história online. Barack Obama, por exemplo, não tem sido no Facebook desde o seu nascimento em 1961 . Criação de novas identidades para os agentes da CIA não-oficiais de cobertura nunca foi tão fácil, sem dúvida. Obrigado Zuck, espiões. Obrigado Zuck.

6 media giants control 90 percent of content (The Illusion of Choice)

2 de Janeiro de 2012

Media Consolidation Infographic

Source: Frugal dad


Anonymous on the road to Immortality P3 – New Chapter

29 de Dezembro de 2011

Either, by shout it out loud “I did it for the lulz” (IDIFTL) or just by natural evolution of a great concept, Anonymous as came of age and now stand tall amongst the comrades in arms and as take is place on the pantheon of the most success freedom fighters.

Either you like Anonymous or not the fact of the matter is that they are here and now, and History may, or may not, harshly judge those who oppose the actual status quo. To maintain the status quo is to keep the things the way they presently are, and for now one thing i´m shure, I dont want to present this to my son.

But for now the story continues

Eat the Rich

8 de Outubro de 2011

Eat the Rich



Americans like to keep things simple and direct, so here it is: they rule. For the simple reason that they (the ruling class) have all the money. The top 5% of US citizens own almost 2/3 of the country’s wealth, or 63.5%. Compare that massive share to 12.8% for the bottom 80% — that is, “the rest of us,” as Rhonda Winter puts it in the excellent article from which this pie chart is taken.

Now go a little further, into the research she drew her chart from — a briefing paper of the Economic Policy Institute called “The State of Working America” — and you find that the top 1% holds over 1/3, or 35.6%, of the country’s net worth. Elsewhere, in The Nation, you will find such interesting tidbits as “In 2006, the top 0.01 percent averaged 976 times more income that America’s bottom 90%” — a thousand-fold gap between “them” and “the rest of us.”

click it for the big picture

The whole point is, though, that very few people go any further, because very few people have any idea how unequal the United States has become. We are, apparently, a nation of idealists, which is a good thing. We are also, however, a nation of blind idealists, which is a pretty bad thing across the board. A couple of psychologists named Norton and Ariely did a study comparing people’s ideas of what inequality is and what it should be with the actual facts on the ground. Anyone interested in creating a more progressive political order should turn up the attention meter right here.

It turns out that in strictly economic terms, Americans are not full-on egalitarians, but on average, they think everyone should have at least a piece of the pie. They think the top 20% should have around 30% of the wealth, the bottom 20% should have around 10%, and so on according to a smoothly sliding scale. They realize it’s not true, of course, and they estimate that the top 20% may in reality be holding over half of the spoils. What they do not realize is not only that the top 20% swallows a whopping 85% of the pie (with, of course, the top 5% taking the lion’s share of that). Even more crucially, they also do not realize that the bottom 40% — what economists call the 4th and 5th quintiles — are for all practical purposes off the chart, simply invisible, because they (or maybe “we,” depending on who you are) own only 0.2% and 0.1% of the wealth respectively. Let’s put that in plainer terms. Almost half the people in this country get virtually nothing from the deal.

source: Norton and Ariely, pdf here

I would draw two conclusions from this psychological study. The first is that the United States is ripe (and even wildly overdue) for a political revolt against the plutocracy. No doubt you will reply, “But that’s exactly what the Tea Party is calling for!” And so they are…in part. But every day the newspaper shows that most of the Tea Party rage against Wall Street is being successfully channeled into rage against Big Government, while the resentment against taxation acts to preserve the massive tax cuts that for the past thirty years have overwhelmingly benefited the super-rich. An atavistic fear of Obama’s black skin and a constant barrage of ideology from Fox News and the Koch brothers’ think tanks and political action committees seem to be doing the job just perfectly for the plutocracy. However, as unemployment rises even while the profits of the super-rich increase, I am not sure this situation can go on indefinitely. Beware the day when right-wing rage from the red-state grassroots finds a serious political translation, because even if it castigates the rich, the sound of that vengeful and nationalistic voice will not be agreeable to your ears.

This leads to my second conclusion. We organic intellectuals on the Left — and this “we” is finally serious, I am speaking to those who might actually read this site — are not doing our job. We have no Tea Party. We are for equality, social democracy, outright socialism, a workers’ revolution, all power to the multitudes or whatever, but we are not getting the word out to the left-of-center masses. We have the information, thanks to studies like the ones I have been quoting, but we are not able to turn information into action, not even on the simplest of demands:tax the rich and control the banksters. Yet these very simple demands could lead directly onwards to more progressive policies that we are all support, such as cutting the military budgets, achieving universal health care, restoring public education and replacing the prison economy with job-producing community development programs. It’s clear that the Dems will not do these things, because in their vast majority they belong to the upper 5%. So we have to create the conditions for a political revolt from the grassroots, and we have to do it in a way that is not simply cooptable by smooth-talking people like the current president.

Here’s one idea, only one among many. Copy the image at the top of the article and take it down to your local button-making shop. Pick a fat button and ask them to put big letters around the bottom that say, “Eat the Rich!” Get a whole bunch of those buttons, wear them, distribute them and start talking to whoever you meet about the facts and figures that are discussed in this blog post and in any of hundreds of readily available left-of-center publications. Start an open, public, regular meeting group to discuss those facts and figures and many other things that make the present what it is. Do your job as a public intellectual, educate the people around you and learn from them, build grassroots awareness and rage wherever your roots happen to be. Hold the course in that direction as the unemployment figures rise, and make contact with as many similar groups as you can find. All of this will lead in very interesting directions. Keep it up and maybe soon we’ll all get together for a big ‘ole political banquet and finally eat the rich!

Written by  on


Anonymous on the road to Immortality P2

28 de Maio de 2011


Sarah Palin

On December 8, Sarah Palin announced that her website and personal credit card information were compromised. Palin’s team believed the attack was executed by Anonymous, though Anonymous never tweeted anything about choosing Palin as a target for the DDoS attack. An Anonymous member has stated “Wedon’t really care about Sarah Palin that much, to be honest. I don’t really know what she’s trying to accomplish or what attention she is trying to gain. We personally don’t care about Sarah Palin

Her technical team posted a screenshot of a server log file showing the URL Visa attacks had been denial of service attacks, but credit card data was not compromised. It is unknown whether Palin’s card was compromised as part of a broad attack on Visa or a specific attack on the Palins. Sarah Palin’s email had already been hacked by a member of Anonymous in 2008.

Operation Avenge Assange

In December 2010, WikiLeaks came under intense pressure to stop publishing secret United States diplomatic cables. Corporations such as Amazon, PayPalBankAmerica,  PostFinance,  MasterCard and  Visa either stopped working with or froze donations to WikiLeaks, some due to political pressures. In response, those behind Operation Payback directed their activities against these companies for dropping support to WikiLeaks. Operation Payback launched DDoS attacks against PayPal, the Swiss bank PostFinance and the Swedish Prosecution Authority. On 8 December 2010, a coordinated DDoS attack by Operation Payback brought down both the MasterCard and Visa websites. On 9th December 2010, prior to a sustained DDoS attack on the Paypal website that caused a minor slowdown to their service, Paypal announced on its blog that they would release all remaining funds in the account of the Wau Holland Foundation that was raising funds for WikiLeaks, but would not reactivate the account. Regarding the attacks, WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson denied any relation to the group and said: “We neither condemn nor applaud these attacks. We believe they are a reflection of public opinion on the actions of the targets.” On the same day, a 16-year-old boy was arrested in The HagueNetherlands, in connection with the distributed denial-of-service attacks against MasterCard and PayPal. The boy was an IRC operator under the nickname of Jeroenz0r.

On 10 December 2010, The Daily Telegraph reported that Anonymous had threatened to disrupt British government websites if Assange were extradited to Sweden. Anonymous issued a press release in an attempt to clarify the issue. Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow described the attacks as “the shot heard round the world—this is Lexington.”

Operation Payback’s attempt to take down was aborted after it failed to make a significant impact on that site’s performance. The failed DDoS attack has been attributed to Amazon’s massive server capacity, which is normally used to handle the excessive traffic during the December holiday shopping season.

In late December the FBI began to raid suspected participants in Operation Payback.

On January 3, 2011, Anonymous brought down Zimbabwean government websites after the Zimbabwean President’s wife sued a newspaper for US $15 million for publishing a WikiLeaks cable that linked her with the alleged trade in illicit diamonds. On January 27, 2011, five males aged between 15 and 26 were arrested in early morning raids in the U.K. onsuspicion of involvement and 40 search warrants were executed on the same
day by the FBI.

Several Uge sucess parts of Operation Payback;

Operation Paperstorm

Although Operation Payback succeeded in bringing our protest to the public’s attention, Anonymous felt that it was time to move into the offline world. To this end, Operation Paperstorm is engaging in a viral messaging blitz in metropolitan areas throughout the world. By doing so, it will bring Anonymous, Wikileaks, and Internet freedom as a whole to the attention of not just the internet-savvy crowd, but that of the whole populace.

For more information, go to:

4 Reasons to Close Your Bank of America Account

There is substantial speculation that Bank of America will be WikiLeaks’ next target.

At the Hack in the Box Conference in 2009, Julian Assange claimed to be in possession of a top executive’s hard drive.

But there is little reason to wait for the contents to be leaked.

Bank of America’s history of fraud and ethical misconduct are already well documented in the news.

Here are four reasons why leaving Bank of America should be your New Year’s resolution.

1. WikiLeaks:

On Friday, Bank of America joined PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard in blocking donations to WikiLeaks, reports David Murphy of PC Mag. This should come as no surprise.

In a November 11th interview with Forbes journalist Andy Greenberg, Assange announced his plans for a “megaleak” early in 2011 that will target a “major American bank.”

He stated, “It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume,” adding, “For this, there’s only one similar example. It’s like the Enron emails.”

A self-proclaimed fan of American Libertarianism, Assange commented that WikiLeaks can potentially impact executive behavior in the private sector. “WikiLeaks means it’s easier to run a good business and harder to run a bad business, and all CEOs should be encouraged by this,” he stated.

This may be true, but it provides a terrifying scenario for companies guilty of illegal or unethical business practices.

A spokesperson from Bank of America stated, “The decision [to block WikiLeaks’ transactions] is based upon our reasonable belief that WikiLeaks may be engaged in activities that are, among other things, inconsistent with our internal policies for processing payments.”

2. Blackwater:

Apparently financing the sale of the mercenary army, Blackwater (now Xe) is consistent with “internal policies for processing payments.”

Blackwater’s founder Erik Prince is selling the company to a group of Los Angeles financiers, reported the “New York Times,” and sources say that Bank of America will be bankrolling the deal.

Blackwater’s crimes include the murder of 17 Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square, Baghdad in 2007, allegations of falsifying paperwork to give a firearms gift to the king of Jordan, purportedly paying a businessman in Iraq to buy black-market steroids for Blackwater operatives, and trying to bill the U.S. government for prostitutes for hard-partying operatives in Afghanistan, as well as strippers in New Orleans in Katrina’s aftermath.

Jeremy Scahill’s blog for “The Nation,” documents all of this and much more, including testimony of Blackwater operatives spraying buildings that housed Iraqi civilians with AK-47s from the windows of drug-fueled parties.

The company, which generates 90% of its revenues from the U.S. government, has over ten years of documented illegal activity hanging over its head and is bearing numerous civil lawsuits.

Bank of America’s involvement in the $200 million sale of Blackwater is shameful, although not surprising, and should provide a reason to move your funds to another bank.

3. Fraud:

On December 7th, Ronald D. Orlo of MarketWatch reported that Bank of America admitted to fraud in the municipal bond derivatives market and will pay $137.3 million in damages. This story was covered in business sections, but made surprisingly few headlines.

“The conduct was egregious — in return for business, the company repeatedly paid undisclosed gratuitous payments and kickbacks and affirmatively misrepresented that the bidding process was proper,” said SEC director of enforcement Robert Khuzami.

“According to the agency, in some cases these bidding agents gave Bank of America Securities information on competing bids, helping the financial institution win the transactions. The agency charged that Bank of America rewarded these bidding agents with payments and kickbacks.

The SEC reports that the bidding process generally was not competitive because it was ‘tainted by undisclosed consultations, agreements or payments.’”

The Department of Justice stated that Bank of America “self-reported” the fraud, an act which usually results in a more lenient settlement.

4. Arizona/Nevada Lawsuit:

Arizona and Nevada are suing Bank of America on charges of misleading customers in loan-modification, reports the “Los Angeles Times.”

On Friday, Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard filed a lawsuit against Bank of America for “failing to implement anti-foreclosure measurements it promised in 2009.”

“Bank of America has been the slowest of all the servicers to ramp up loss mitigation efforts in response to the housing crisis,” he said. “It has shown callous disregard for the devastating effects its servicing practices have had on individual borrowers and on the economy as a whole.”

Within hours of Goddard’s complaint, Nevada’s Attorney General, Catherine Cortez Masto filed a similar complaint, stating the bank lied to customers.

“We are holding Bank of America accountable for misleading and deceiving consumers,” said Masto. “Nevadans who were trying desperately to save their homes were unable to get truthful information in order to make critical life decisions.”

“Goddard said Bank of America failed to provide justifications for denials of modifications, misled borrowers into thinking they had to miss payments to obtain modifications, and initiated foreclosure proceedings while trial loan modifications were in place — all in violation of its settlement with the state last year.”

There is often little that individual citizens can do to protest bad behavior of giant corporations. But seeing as how Bank of America received $45 billion in taxpayer-supported government bailout funds over the past two years, their recent conduct involving WikiLeaks transactions, financing the sale of Blackwater, fraud in the municipal bond market, and abuse of loan-holders in Nevada and Arizona is enough reason to exercise your dollar votes by choosing a different bank.


In short, the video bellow requests that we write “You are anonymous” on federal reserve notes so that “the system” will go to work for us. That’s a brilliant tactic and very compatible with the principles of open source insurgency. The video of Clinton and Obama calling for the very things WikiLeaks is giving them is just icing on the cake.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks have only served as catalysts for a revolution that has been long overdue, a revolution in which the people of the world stand up and remind the governments of the world that their responsability is to the people, the people’s responsability is not to them… LET’S SPREAD THE WORD!

In the aftermath here it came;

Operation Leakspin

Operation Leakspin was conceived by the Anonymous group, with the purpose of sorting through recent WikiLeaks releases and raise awareness of potentially important and previously overlooked cables.

As with all actions by Anonymous, it has arisen in an ad-hoc fashion and holds neither a centralized leadership nor an enforceable command structure.

Due to the decentralized nature of the project, several independent websites are participating in the effort. It is not clear how much co-ordination, if any, exists between these sites. A list follows:

– Cable Wiki; Meant to serve as a wiki for the translation of cables to multiple languages, together with additional analysis of the cables.

– Sinde Gate; local group providing translations and explanations of cables related to the scandal “Wikileaks cables reveal that the US wrote Spain’s proposed copyright law”.  “Sinde Gate” is named after the name of the responsible Spanish minister.

– Operation Leakspin Quality Control; a forum for quality control on the translation/analysis of the cables.

– Operation Leakspin Blog; a blog informing about the operation Leakspin.

– Operation AnonPress; An operation dedicated to pushing the US Embassy Cables further into the public domain.

All previous operations naturally lead Anonymous to the path of the Arab Revolutions and on to;

#Operation Tunisia

Operation Tunisia was an operation by internet group Anonymous during the Tunisian revolution. The group supports freedom of information, regardless of circumstance and were taking steps to help the Tunisians achieve this.


In their traditional manner; Anonymous launched a series of DDoS attacks against government website, reportedly over 9000 people participated in the DDoS attacks Additionally, Anonymous provided protesters with documents required to take down the incumbent government as well as methods of circumventing government censorship via proxies. The providing of information was considered by some a part of previous Operation Leakspin.

Websites run by the Tunisian government have been successfully targeted by Operation: Tunisia, a cell within Anonymous’ Operation Payback, in a distributed denial of service  action, which dropped image and message on several government sites before the Anon-fueled DDoS knocked them offline.

The message from Anonymous is to the point:

The Tunisian government wants to control the  present with falsehoods and misinformation in order to impose the future  by keeping the truth hidden from its citizens. We will not remain  silent while this happens. Anonymous has heard the claim for freedom of  the Tunisian people. Anonymous is willing to help the Tunisian people in  this fight against oppression. It will be done.

This is a warning to the Tunisian government… It’s on the hands of  the Tunisian government to stop this situation. Free the net, and  attacks will cease, keep on that attitude and this will just be the  beginning.

The sites affected include:,,,,,,, and

At first Anonymous posted a video on Youtube declaring their intentions. Once the DDoS attacks were commenced,  it wasn’t long before the top five government websites in Tunisia were knocked offline for a substantial amount of time, but this was a relatively small achievement compared with the tools and knowledge that Anonymous supplied the protesters, arguably giving them the ability to topple the government.

You can still get the most recent care package released by anonymous. Contains first aid, printable Fawkes mask, etc. Use this wisely.
– Torrent Download:

And at the end Ben Ali was…

Attack on Fine Gael website

The website for the Irish political party Fine Gael, a centre right party and currently the Republic of Ireland’s largest opposition party at that time, was hacked by Anonymous according to The site was replaced with a page showing the Anonymous logo along with the words “Nothing is safe, you put your faith in this political party and they take no measures to protect you. They offer you free speech yet they censor your voice. WAKE UP! <owned by Raepsauce and Palladium>”. Up to 2,000 people’s personal details were compromised in the attack by the hackers, known as Anonymous, Fine Gael said.

This hack is still involved in controversial information…  Maybe YOU can explained… LUTZ

Operation Algeria

 The first indications of a national uprising in Tunisia came when Anonymous activists began organising protests, using the net as their primary communications vehicle.

Algeria, another North African Maghreb state, is the next target as Anonymous online hacktivists demand to see the right to freedom of speech respected, and a democratic government installed.

Anonymous Press Release: A Warning Message to the Algerian Government

Operation Payback (is a bitch), this is the Internet, we run this. An open message from Anonymous to the governments of the world and their legal leeches regarding the motivation of the cyber protests against ACTA lawyers and those who threaten freedom of speech online.

Corrupt governments of the world, we are anonymous. For some time now, voices have been crying out in unison against the new ACTA laws. The gross inadequacies of the new laws being passed internationally have been pointed out repeatedly. Our chief complaint is that such measures would restrict people’s access to the internet.

In these modern times access to the internet is fast becoming a basic human right. Just like any other basic human right, we believe that it is wrong to infringe upon it. To threaten to cut people off from the global consciousness as you have is criminal and abhorrent. To move to censor content on the internet based on your own prejudice is at best laughably impossible, at worst, morally reprehensible.

The unjust restrictions you impose on us will meet with disaster and only strengthen our resolve to disobey and rebel against your tyranny. Such actions taken against you, and those you out source your malignant litigation too, are inevitable, unavoidable and unstoppable.

A Letter from Anonymous – Our Message, Intentions, and Potential Targe

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
– Abraham Lincoln

“He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Hello World. We are Anonymous. What you do or do not know about us is irrelevant. We have decided to write to you, the media, and all citizens of the free world at large to inform you of the message, our intentions, potential targets, and our ongoing peaceful campaign for freedom.

“True, This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! — itself a nothing! —
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Cæsars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! — Take away the sword —
States can be saved without it!”

– The Cardinal
Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy by: Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The message is simple: Freedom of Speech. Anonymous is peacefully campaigning for Freedom of Speech everywhere in all forms. Freedom of Speech for: The Internet, for journalism and journalists, and citizens of the world at large. Regardless of what you think or have to say; Anonymous is campaigning for you.
The recent news of our campaigns has been, at best, misinformed. Anonymous is not always the same group of people. The Constitution of the United States is said to be a living document, because it can be edited, amended; changed at the will of the people to suit the peoples’ needs. In that same vein, Anonymous is a living idea. Anonymous is an idea that can be edited, updated, remanded, changed on a whim. We are living consciousness. We are not a terrorist organization as governments, demagogues, and the media would have you believe. At this time Anonymous is a consciousness focused on campaigning peacefully for Freedom of Speech. We ask the world to support us, not for our sake, but for your own. When governments control freedom they control you. The Internet is the last bastion of freedom in this evolving technical world. The Internet is capable of connecting us all. When we are connected we are strong. When we are strong we have power. When we have power we are able to do the impossible. This is why the government is moving on Wikileaks. This is what they fear. They fear our power when we unite. Do not forget this.

“…Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.”
– Monsignor, Boondock Saints

Anonymous’ intentions are very clear. We are not vigilantes, regardless of the sentiment of quoting Boondock Saints, we are people on a campaign for freedom. Anonymous’ intentions are to change the current way the governments of the world and the people view true Freedom of Speech and The Internet. Anonymous is willing, ready, and able to campaign for the freedom for all. We are campaigning right now as you read the news, watch the television, fight with your
significant other, love your children, hate your neighbor, criticize the man or woman next to you. We are campaigning. The goal is simple: Win the right to keep the Internet free of any control from any entity, corporation, or government. We will do this until our, proverbial, dying breath. We do this not only for our selves, but for the world and its people at large.

“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”
– Ron Paul

Pay attention citizens, governments, and the world. Anonymous’ peaceful campaign will focus on any organization, corporation, government, or entity until the Internet is truly free.
Anonymous is doing what many successful campaigns have done in the past; a sit-in. It may be hard to comprehend, but a digital sit-in is our most effective method to show that all of us deserve Freedom of Speech and a free Internet. Our methods may appear, on the outside, to be cruel to those the entities that we are campaigning against, but remember buy supporting censorship they are denying everyone a basic human right. Any person, corporation, government, or miscellaneous entity that stops supporting censorship and starts promoting Freedom of Speech and a free Internet will become our allies. Anonymous, at this time, wants to persuade our counterparts rather than hurt them. We are campaigning for freedom for everyone, even the opposing side.
Do not fear us. Anonymous’ campaign does not intend to harm the individual citizen, any organizations, any websites, or government, that supports true freedom of speech. Anonymous’ past is not our present. We are here for all of you; to campaign for all of you. Where others have made this promise and failed; we make this promise and aim to keep it for everyone.
Anything attributed, credited, or tagged to Anonymous is not always what we do. We arenot always the same consciousness on a yearly, monthly, or even hourly basis. Do not believe everything you hear or read on the news. Anonymous is often credited with actions that are not campaigned for by Anonymous. The true core of Anonymous is here to help the free world for now. Anonymous wishes to represent the truth and ask that you as a citizen, media organization, or government do the same.

Operation Egypt

Operation Egypt was participation by internet hacktivist group Anonymous during the 2011 Egyptian revolution on an attempt to bring the Egyptians freedom of speech.

– Background

Anonymous had just completed their very successful Operation Tunisia in which the group successively provided Tunisians the tools needed to oust their leader, as well as attacking government websites, and at the end contribute to the final victory against a brutal dictator, and here it goes again, another country, other people ready to sacrifice on the path to freedom.

In their usual manner, Anonymous posted a video to Youtube declaring their intentions before beginning their operations.


Like in Tunisia, Anonymous did provide the Egyptians with resources to circumvent government censorship but in a smaller scale, mainly launched DDoS attacks against Egyptian government websites.

The websites of Egypt’s Ministry of Information and President Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party were knocked offline by Anonymous in support of protesters calling for Mubarak’s ouster during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 . All top government sites were taken offline by the attacks with relative ease and they remained offline until Hosni Mubarak stepped down.

THE TEN PILLARS OF FREE SPEECHan Anonymous User’s Manual

1. FREE SPEECH IS AT THE VERY TOP OF YOUR WISH LIST. Free Speech is the most fundamental of your fundamental rights. Once you lose it, you won’t have the means to complain when politicians come back and destroy your wealth, your health, your soul, your ideals, your hopes, your projects, your whole life. Free Speech is the freedom that protects all freedoms.

2. FREE SPEECH IS ALL OR NOTHING. Free speech is not negotiable. You cannot decide what others are allowed to say, because others cannot decide what you’re allowed to say. Free Speech is a reciprocity : even if you hate what I say, and even I hate what you say, you guarantee my freedom and I guarantee yours. We don’t have to agree with each other, except on that point : we have the right to disagree with each other.

3. IF YOU CANNOT SAY WHAT YOU THINK, YOU CANNOT BE WHAT YOU ARE. Your opinions are not concepts : they are the way you react to the world and take a chance to change it. When you are fully censored, your deepest thoughts, emotions, hopes, ideals, react like flowers without sun : they slowly die. This vicious process endangers the true meaning of your existence, and you progressively lose your own identity. Free Speech is the fresh air that makes your very own self breathe.

4. FREE SPEECH IS THE THING THAT DICTATORS HATE THE MOST. Some of them will allow you to run a big business, or to travel abroad, but they’ll never accept the fact that you have independent thoughts, critical opinions and dissenting ideas. Every time you fight for Free Speech, you disturb those motherfuckers. And that’s a pretty moral thing to do.

5. FREE SPEECH IS THE ULTIMATE SIGN OF DEMOCRACY. If you’re not allowed to sing, then the choir falls apart. Your very own Free Speech is the sword, the shield and the flag of democracy. That’s why, definitely, the future of democracy asks you to be as vocal as you can be, as frequently as possible. The trap of international censorship is desperately trying to swallow the Internet : make it spit freedom back out right now.

6. FREE SPEECH IS ALIVE ON THE INTERNET. No media in history of man is more independent than the Internet. It’s a fantastic victory for freedom. Well… it was. If censorship wins the war, Free Speech will be put in its death-bed, if not killed outright. We don’t like that idea.

7. FREE SPEECH IS BEAUTIFUL. For freedom is the most beautiful ideal and the greatest cause you will ever find. If you do not understand that point, maybe you should better work for Bank Of America, or run a dictatorship.

8. FREE SPEECH NEEDS YOUR COURAGE. Fighting for freedom has never been an easy game, and it never will be. You have to be strong, organized, mobilized and optimistic. Show your values, show your virtues, show your guts, for God’s sake (or whatever you believe in)!

9. IF YOU DON’T DO IT FOR YOUR OWN FREEDOM, DO IT FOR THE LULZ. The fight for freedom is exciting. With Anonymous, this excitement induces lots of lulz, which is excellent for your psychological health. Enjoy it to the max : dictators hate it when people laugh at them. And if you don’t do it for the fun, do it because most human beings live under censorship – and you’re next on the list, my dear Anon friend.

10. FREE SPEECH ON THE INTERNET IS HERE TO STAY. We will never surrender. We are legion. We are one. We are you. You are Anonymous. Welcome.

To be continued… Expect us

Anonymous on the road to Immortality P1

21 de Fevereiro de 2011

Anonymous (group)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anonymous (used as a mass noun) is an Internet meme originating 2003 on the imageboard 4chan. Representing the concept of many on-line community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain. It is also generally considered to be a blanket term for members of certain Internet subcultures, a way to refer to the actions of people in an environment where their actual identities are not known.

In its early form, the concept has been adopted by a decentralized on-line community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal, and primarily focused on entertainment. As of 2008, the Anonymous collective has become increasingly associated with collaborative, international hacktivism, undertaking protests and other actions, often with the goal of promoting internet freedom and freedom of speech. Actions credited to “Anonymous” are undertaken by unidentified individuals who apply the Anonymous label to themselves as attribution.

Although not necessarily tied to a single on-line entity, many websites are strongly associated with Anonymous. This includes notable imageboards such as 4chan and Futaba, their associated wikisEncyclopædia Dramatica, and a number of forums. After a series of controversial, widely-publicized protests and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks by Anonymous in 2008, incidents linked to its cadre members have increased.


The name Anonymous itself is inspired by the perceived anonymity under which users post images and comments on the Internet. Usage of the term Anonymous in the sense of a shared identity began on imageboards. A tag of Anonymous is assigned to visitors who leave comments without identifying the originator of the posted content. Users of imageboards sometimes jokingly acted as if Anonymous were a real person. As the popularity of imageboards increased, the idea of Anonymous as a collective of unnamed individuals became an internet meme.

Anonymous broadly represents the concept of any and all people as an unnamed collective. As a multiple-use name, individuals who share in the “Anonymous” moniker also adopt a shared online identity, characterized as hedonistic and uninhibited. This is
intended as a satirical, conscious adoption of the online disinhibition effect

We [Anonymous] just happen to be a group of people on the internet who need — just kind of an outlet to do as we wish, that we wouldn’t be able to do in regular society. …That’s more or less the point of it. Do as you wish. … There’s a common phrase: ‘we are doing it for the lulz.

—Trent Peacock. Search Engine: The face of Anonymous, February 7, 2008.

Definitions tend to emphasize the fact that the concept, and by extension the collective of users, cannot be readily encompassed by a simple definition. Instead it is often defined by aphorisms describing perceived qualities.

Iconography and aesthetics

As a cyberculture, Anonymous aesthetics are based in various forms of shock humour, including genres of cringe,  surreal, and black comedy.

Online composition

Anonymous consists largely of users from multiple imageboards and internet forums. In addition, several wikis and Internet Relay Chat networks are maintained to overcome the limitations of traditional imageboards. These modes of communication are the means by which Anonymous protesters participating in Project Chanology communicate and organize upcoming protests.

A “loose coalition of Internet denizens,” the group is banded together by the internet, through sites such as 4chan, 711chan, Encyclopædia Dramatica, IRC channels, and YouTube. Social networking services, such as Facebook, are used for the creation of groups which reach out to people to mobilize in real-world protests.

Anonymous has no leader or controlling party, and relies on the collective power of its individual participants acting in such a way that the net effect benefits the group. “Anyone who wants to can be Anonymous and work toward a set of goals…” a member of Anonymous explained to the Baltimore City Paper. “We have this agenda that we all agree on and we all coordinate and act, but all act independently toward it, without any want for recognition. We just want to get something that we feel is important done…”

“[Anonymous is] the first internet-based superconsciousness. Anonymous is a group, in the sense that a flock of birds is a group. How do you know they’re a group? Because they’re travelling in the same direction. At any given moment, more birds could join, leave, peel off in another direction entirely.”


— Chris Landers. Baltimore City Paper, April 2, 2008


The activities in this section were attributed to Anonymous either by their perpetrators or in the media. The actions taken by Anonymous do not seem to follow any single shared agenda. Those identifying with the term often take action simply for amusement. This is known within sites affiliated with Anonymous as “doing it for the lulz.”

lulz (uncountable)

  1. (Internet, slangFunamusementhumor; especially schadenfreude.

Habbo raid

A popular target for organized raids by Anonymous is Habbo, a popular social networking site designed as a virtual hotel. The first major raid is known as the “Great Habbo Raid of ’06,” and a subsequent raid the following year is known as the “Great Habbo Raid of ’07.” The raid actually predates and was not inspired by the news of an Alabama amusement park banning a two-year-old toddler affected by AIDS from entering the park’s swimming pool. Users signed up to the Habbo site dressed in avatars of a black man wearing a grey suit and an Afro hairstyle and blocked entry to the pool, declaring that it was “closed due to AIDS,” flooding the site with internet sayings, and forming swastika-like formations. When the raiders were banned, they complained of racism. In response, the Habbo admins often ban users with avatars matching the profile of the raiders even months after the latest raid.

Hal Turner raid

Main article: Hal Turner
According to white supremacist radio host Hal Turner, in December 2006 and January 2007 individuals who identified themselves as Anonymous took Turner’s website offline, costing him thousands of dollars in bandwidth bills. As a result, Turner sued 4chan, eBaum’s World, 7chan, and other websites for copyright infringement. He lost his plea for an injunction, however, and failed to receive letters from the court, which caused the lawsuit to lapse.

Chris Forcand arrest

On December 7, 2007, the Canada-based Toronto Sun newspaper published a report on the arrest of the alleged Internet predator Chris Forcand. Forcand, 53, was charged with two counts of luring a child under the age of 14, attempt to invite sexual touching, attempted exposure, possessing a dangerous weapon, and carrying a concealed weapon. The report stated that Forcand was already being tracked by “cyber-vigilantes who seek to out anyone who presents with a sexual interest in children” before police investigations commenced.

Global Television Network report identified the group responsible for Forcand’s arrest as a “self-described Internet vigilant group called Anonymous” who contacted the police after some members were “propositioned” by Forcand with “disgusting photos of himself.” The report also stated that this is the first time a suspected Internet predator was arrested by the police as a result of Internet vigilantism

Project Chanology

Main article: Project Chanology

The group gained worldwide press for Project Chanology, the protest against the Church of Scientology.

On January 14, 2008, a video produced by the Church featuring an interview with Tom Cruise was leaked to the Internet and uploaded to YouTube. The Church of Scientology issued a copyright violation claim against YouTube requesting the removal of the video.  In response to this, Anonymous formulated Project Chanology. Calling the action by the Church of Scientology a form of Internet censorship, members of Project Chanology organized a series of denial-of-service attacks against Scientology websites, prank calls, and black faxes to Scientology centers.

On January 21, 2008, individuals claiming to speak for Anonymous announced their goals and intentions via a video posted to YouTube entitled “Message to Scientology,” and a press release declaring a “War on Scientology” against both the Church of Scientology and the Religious Technology Center. In the press release, the group states that the attacks against the Church of Scientology will continue in order to protect the right to freedom of speech, and end what they believe to be the financial exploitation of church members.  A new video “Call to Action” appeared on YouTube on January 28, 2008, calling for protests outside Church of Scientology centers on February 10, 2008. On February 2, 2008, 150 people gathered outside of a Church of Scientology center in Orlando, Floridato protest the organization’s practices. Small protests were also held in Santa Barbara, California, and Manchester, England. On February 10, 2008, about 7000 people protested in more than 93 cities worldwide. Many protesters wore masks based on the character V from V for Vendetta (who in turn was influenced by Guy Fawkes), or otherwise disguised their identities, in part to protect themselves from reprisals from the Church.

Anonymous held a second wave of protests on March 15, 2008 in cities all over the world, including Boston, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Vancouver, Toronto, Berlin, and Dublin. The global turnout was estimated to be “between 7000 and 8000,” a number similar to that of the first wave. The third wave of the protests took place on April 12, 2008. Named “Operation Reconnect,” it aimed to increase awareness of the Church of Scientology’s disconnection policy.

On October 17, 2008, an 18-year-old from New Jersey described himself as a member of Anonymous, and he stated that he would plead guilty to involvement in the January 2008 DDoS attacks against Church of Scientology websites.

On December 2, 2009, Anonymous held a competition, “Scientology Sucks: A Contest”, and asked the contestants to carry out (legal) pranks on the Church of Scientology and offered $1000, $300 and $75 (initially $400, $100 and $50) from donation money for the top three entries. The contest was won by a user who called himself MalcontentNazi for his videoScientology’s Secret Nazi Ties in which he dressed as a Nazi and stood in front of a Scientology church and praised the church and consequently made a prank call to the church asking them why they were not able to pull the guy, who dressed himself as a Nazi and made fun of them, off the streets.

Protests continued, and took advantage of media events such as the premiere of the Tom Cruise movie Valkyrie, where the venue was chosen in part to reduce exposure to the protests.

Epilepsy Foundation forum invasion

On March 28, 2008, Wired News reported that “Internet griefers” — a slang term for people whose only interests are in harassing others — assaulted an epilepsy support forum run by the Epilepsy Foundation of AmericaJavaScript code and flashing computer animations were posted with the intention of triggering migraine headaches and seizures in photosensitive and pattern-sensitive epileptics. According to Wired News, circumstantial evidence suggested that the attack was perpetrated by Anonymous users, with the initial attack posts on the epilepsy forum blaming eBaum’s World. Members of the epilepsy forum claimed they had found a thread in which the attack was being planned at, an imageboard that has been described as a stronghold for Anonymous. The thread, like all old threads eventually do on these types of imageboards, has since cycled to deletion. RealTechNews reported that the forum at the United Kingdom-based National Society for Epilepsy was also subjected to an identical attack. It stated that “apparent members of Anonymous” had denied responsibility for both attacks and posted that it had been the Church of Scientology who carried them out. reported that the administrators of had posted an open letter claiming that the attacks had been carried out by the Church of Scientology “to ruin the public opinion of Anonymous, to lessen the effect of the lawful protests against their virulent organization” under the Church’s fair game policy. The Tech Herald reported that when the attack began, posts referenced multiple groups, including Anonymous. The report attributes the attack to a group named “The Internet Hate Machine” (a reference to the KTTV Fox 11 newsreport), who claim to be part of Anonymous, but are not the same faction that are involved in the campaign against Scientology.

Some Anonymous participants of Project Chanology suggest that the perpetrators are Internet users who merely remained anonymous in the literal sense, and thus had no affiliation with the larger anti-Scientology efforts attributed to Anonymous.  During an interview with CNN, Scientologist Tommy Davis accused Anonymous of hacking into the Epilepsy Foundation website to make it display imagery intended to cause epileptic seizures. Interviewer John Roberts contended the FBI said that it “found nothing to connect this group Anonymous (with these actions),” and that it also has “no reason to believe that these charges will be leveled against this group.” The response was that the matter was on the hands of local law enforcement and that there were ongoing investigations.

Defacement of SOHH and AllHipHop websites

In late June 2008, users who identified themselves as Anonymous claimed responsibility for a series of attacks against the SOHH (Support Online Hip Hop) website. The attack was reported to have begun in retaliation for insults made by members of SOHH’s “Just Bugging Out” forum against 4chan’s users. The attack against the website took place in stages, beginning when Anonymous users flooded and trolled the SOHH forums, which were then shut down. On June 23, the group organized DDoS attacks against the website, successfully eliminating over 60% of the website’s service capacity. On June 27, the hackers utilized cross-site scripting to alter the website’s main page with satirical images and headlines referencing numerous racial stereotypes and slurs, and also successfully stole information from SOHH employees.

No Cussing Club

In January 2009 members of Anonymous targeted California teen McKay Hatch who runs the No Cussing Club, a website against profanity. As Hatch’s home address, phone number, and other personal information were leaked on-line, his family has received a lot of hate mail, lots of obscene phone calls, and even bogus pizza and pornography deliveries.

2009 Iranian election protests

Main article: 2009 Iranian election protests

Following allegations of vote rigging after the results of the June 2009 Iranian presidential election were announced, declaring Iran‘s incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the winner, thousands of Iranians participated in demonstrations. Anonymous, together with The Pirate Bay and various Iranian hackers, launched an Iranian Green Party Support site Anonymous Iran. The site has drawn over 22,000 supporters world wide and allows for information exchange between the world and Iran, despite attempts by the Iranian government to censor news about the riots on the internet. The site provides resources and support to Iranians who are protesting.

Operation Didgeridie

Main article: Internet censorship in Australia

In September 2009 the group reawakened “in order to protect civil rights” after several governments began to block access to its imageboards. The blacklisting of in Germany infuriated many, but the tipping point was the Australian government’s plans for ISP-level censorship of the internet. The policy was spearheaded by Stephen Conroy and had been driven aggressively by the Rudd Government since its election in 2007.

Early in the evening of September 9, Anonymous took down the prime minister’s website with a distributed denial-of-service attack. The site was taken offline for approximately one hour.  On the morning of February 10, 2010, Anonymous launched a more prepared attack codenamed “Operation Titstorm.” It defaced the prime minister’s website, took down the Australian Parliament House website for three days and nearly managed to take down the Department of Communications‘ website. The Australian newspaper later reported that neither attack was considered a serious crime by information security consultants, who suggested they only had an impact because the government “knew the [second] attack was coming but was unable to stop it.”A cover story in Security Solutions magazine said that “[s]uch attacks should not be considered cyberterrorism to ensure its meaning is not diluted.”

Operation Titstorm

Main article: Operation Titstorm

Occurred from 8 am, February 10, 2010 as a protest against the Australian Government over the forthcoming internet filtering legislation and the perceived censorship in pornography of small-breasted women (who are perceived to be under age) and female ejaculation. The protest consisted of a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) on Australian Government websites. The Australian anti-censorship groups complained that the attack only hurts their cause, and Australian government members dismissed the attack and said that they would just restore the service when the attack finished. Analysis of the attacks cited their peak bandwidth at under 17Mbit, a figure considered small when compared with other DDoS attacks.

Operation Payback

Operation Payback is a coordinated, decentralized group of attacks on opponents of internet piracy by internet activists using the “Anonymous” moniker. Operation Payback started as retaliation to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on torrent sites; piracy proponents then decided to launch DDoS attacks on piracy opponents. The initial reaction snowballed into a wave of attacks on major pro-copyright and anti-piracy organizations, law firms, and individuals. Following the United States diplomatic cables leak in December 2010, the organizers commenced DDoS attacks on websites of banks who had withdrawn banking facilities from WikiLeaks.

Background and initial attacks

In 2010, several Bollywood companies hired Aiplex Software to launch DDoS attacks on websites that did not respond to software takedown notices. Piracy activists then created Operation Payback in September 2010 in retaliation. The original plan was to attack Aiplex Software directly, but upon finding some hours before the planned DDoS that another individual had taken down the firm’s website on their own, Operation Payback moved to launching attacks against the websites of copyright stringent organisations Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, giving the two websites a combined total downtime of 30 hours. In the following two days, Operation Payback attacked a multitude of sites affiliated with the MPAA, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), British Phonographic Industry. Law firms such as ACS:LawDavenport Lyons and Dunlap, Grubb & Weaver (of the US Copyright Group) were also attacked.

Attacks on the recording industry

Law firms

On 21 September 2010, the website of ACS:Law was subjected to a DDoS attack as part of Operation Payback. When asked about the attacks, Andrew Crossley, owner of ACS:Law, said: “It was only down for a few hours. I have far more concern over the fact of my train turning up 10 minutes late or having to queue for a coffee than them wasting my time with this sort of rubbish.”

When the site came back online, a 350 MB file which was a backup of the site was visible to anyone for a short period of time. The backup, which included copies of emails sent by the firm, was downloaded and made available onto various peer-to-peer networks and websites including The Pirate Bay. Some of the emails contained unencrypted Excel spreadsheets, listing the names and addresses of people that ACS:Law had accused of illegally sharing media. One contained over 5,300 Sky broadband customers whom they had accused of illegally sharing pornography, while another contained the details of 8,000 Sky customers and 400 Plusnet customers accused of infringing the copyright on music by sharing it on peer-to-peer networks. This alleged breach of the Data Protection Act has become part of the ongoing investigation into ACS:Law by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

On 30 September, the Leesburg, VA office of Dunlap, Grubb & Weaver law firm – also doing business as the “U.S. Copyright Group” – was evacuated by the police after an emailed bomb threat was received. It’s believed the event could be connected to Anonymous. Non-related copyright or law firms sites, such as, were also attacked. These attacks were originally organized through an Internet Relay Chat channel. The attacks also became a popular topic on Twitter.

Australian pro-copyright organization

On 27 September 2010, the DDoS attack on the Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT) unintentionally brought down 8,000 other small websites hosted on the same server.


In September 2010, in an attempt to ensure that Portuguese citizens can’t access, Associação do Comércio Audiovisual de Portugal (ACAPOR) has filed a complaint against The Pirate Bay. The complaint was filed with the General Inspection of Cultural Activities, which is part of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture. According to the movie rental association, The Pirate Bay is directly responsible for about 15 million illegal downloads in Portugal every year. By installing a Pirate Bay block at all ISPs, ACAPOR hopes to decrease the financial damage they claim it causes.

On 18 October 2010, the ACAPOR website was defaced, presenting a speech from Operation Payback and a redirect to The Pirate Bay after a few seconds. In addition to defacing the website, they also managed to grab a copy of the email database of ACAPOR and uploaded it to The leaked e-mails so far revealed ACAPOR’s methods of denunciation, their dissatisfaction with the Portuguese government and justice system, their perception of the copyright debate as war, and their antagonism with the ISPs. ACAPOR claimed that “the business of ISPs is illegal downloading.”

More attacks

On 4 October 2010, Operation Payback launched an attack on the Ministry of Sound website and the Gallant Macmillian website.

On 7 October 2010, they attacked the website of the Spanish copyright society, As of 7 October 2010, total downtime for all websites attacked during Operation Payback was 537.55 hours.

On 15 October 2010, was SQL injected and defaced, and three days later Operation Payback launched a DDoS attack against the UK Intellectual Property Office.

Production companies and were hit by “drive-by” DDoSes during October 21, 2010,
in response to their efforts to gain a court injunction against an ISP that refused to block a movie streaming website, and Operation Payback then knocked porn website offline the following day.

Musician and copyright advocate

During the 2010 MIPCOM convention, Gene Simmons of KISS stated:

Make sure your brand is protected…Make sure there are no incursions. Be litigious. Sue everybody. Take their homes, their cars. Don’t let anybody cross that line.

In response to Gene Simmons’ comments, members of Operation Payback switched their attentions to his two websites and, taking them both offline for a total of 1 day and 14 hours. At some point during the course of this DDoS, was hacked and redirected to, In response to the attack Simmons wrote:

Some of you may have heard a few popcorn farts re: our sites being threatened by hackers. Our legal team and the FBI have been on the case and we have found a few, shall we say “adventurous” young people, who feel they are above the law.

And, as stated in my MIPCOM speech, we will sue their pants off.

First, they will be punished.

Second, they might find their little butts in jail, right next to someone who’s been there for years and is looking for a new girl friend.

We will soon be printing their names and pictures.

We will find you.

You cannot hide.

Stay tuned

This led to additional attacks and subsequently more downtime for his websites. Later, Simmons’s message was removed from his website.


On October 26, 2010, LimeWire was ordered to disable the “searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality” after losing a court battle with the RIAA over claims of copyright infringement. The RIAA also announced intentions to pursue legal action over the damages caused by the program in January to compensate the affected record labels. In retaliation, members of Operation Payback announced that they will attack RIAA’s website on October 29, despite that the group typically doesn’t hit targets twice. On October 29, was taken offline via denial-of-service attack. After the attack, and sites became unavailable from Europe. Operation Payback’s main site was attacked later that day and they moved their website from to

November 5

Around October 28, 2010, the group set up a new website with the intention of coordinating protests around the world to raise awareness of their cause. The date for the protest activities were on November 5, the intended day of the Gunpowder Plot, which Anonymous heavily affiliates with through its use of Guy Fawkes masks. After that event, Operation Payback took a break from attacking websites to organize.

FBI investigation

After an attack on the United States Copyright Office, the FBI launched an investigation. FBI representatives did not respond to interview requests.


Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline

31 de Janeiro de 2011


The Egyptian government has taken an unprecedented action, shutting down nearly
all Internet and cellular access into an out of the country. Egypt did not just
put up a firewall for its 80 million citizens. It has forced networks completely
offline. The only Internet activity remaining is that of the Egyptian stock
exchange and some government departments.

A Word About Anonymous

17 de Janeiro de 2011
The First Amendment USA
I realize that many of you are having to listen to people tell you in the USA that anonymous is a bad entity. They are getting criticism for being “hactivists” among other things.

You see, the problem with this type of behavior from Americans is that we always seem to bite the hand that feeds us. While our government is witch hunting Assange and torturing prisoners, Anonymous is out on the front lines for Tunisians – the people who are really suffering right now.

The United States and Tunisia have an excellent history together – or should I say, The US and the Tunisian Government have had a long running sweet in the honey history together. Where is the US right now while the rest of the world watches citizens of Tunisia being shot, and oppressed? Where are we? We have fought the world against things like this for as long as we all can remember – but once again, the US is turning a blind eye (political interests and gain) to the abuse of human beings.

Anonymous are the ones fighting for the end of suffering in Tunisia. Anonymous are the ones defending people’s rights to peace, happiness, and trying to prevent more abuse from happening.

Anonymous isn’t out for fame. They want just like any other supporter wants: change. It seems that the governments of the world have turned deaf ears and blind eyes to the citizens who employ them on a global scale – and Anonymous is there. Anonymous has
not turned a deaf ear or a blind eye – and they have helped us see what is really going on over there in that small little country of Tunisia.

Anonymous can be everywhere at the same time because they are legion. We are legion – anonymous or not. We are not out for violent change. We are out for peaceful change – and because the internet is the last free frontier – that is where the change will occur.

Anonymous will go down in the books of history as people who helped spur the change. They are not for any one thing – they are for all and everyone. If there is injustice going on in the world – they are there. We are there.

Spread the message – help Anonymous help Tunisians who are being restricted from the rest of the world and isolated – dying – and being imprisoned. Fight the Tyrannical Ben Ali whom has made it his mission to stay in office only to be the modern day Hitler or Stalin.

Help Anonymous. They are not, We are not, your enemies. They need your voice and so does everyone else.

Let your voice be heard!

               We will not stop.

                        We will not forget.

                                We will prevail.

                                        We are anonymous.




16 de Janeiro de 2011

I found this old documentary, which today is still very relevant. This is long but really opens light on who really are the evil and bad people of history and our time. Enjoy and pass this on to your friends and family. Take into consideration the closing recommendations, they may be spot on.

US Air Force releases its cyber warfare manual online

25 de Outubro de 2010

A new United States Air Force (USAF) manual for cyber warfare has been made public, which dwells mostly on protecting military computer networks and makes little mention of attacking others.

The manual ‘Cyberspace Operations: Air Force Doctrine Document 3-12’ is dated July 15, but was not made public until this month.

According to the Daily Express, it is unclassified and available on the Internet.


It describes a fast-changing world where anonymous enemies can carry out devastating attacks in seconds.

“Relentless attackers are trying to hack into home and office networks in the U.S. millions of times a day, 24/7,” the newspaper quoted the manual, as saying.

“Operating in cyberspace may require abandoning common assumptions concerning time and space because attacks can come from anywhere and take only seconds,” it added.

Meanwhile, Noah Shachtman, a contributing editor to Wired magazine and a fellow at the Brookings Institute think-tank, said that the limited mention of offensive operations in the manual has surprised him.

The manual reveals that one of the cyber war objectives is “shutting down electrical power to key power grids of enemy leadership”.

“That’s usually not the kind of thing we talk about doing to others. The offensive stuff is super secret,” Shachtman said. (ANI)



25 de Outubro de 2010
A message from Marcus Boon
You hear the Doctor,
so lets copy starting by this book,


UPDATE on Operation Payback

18 de Outubro de 2010

Movie Rental Outfit Hacked, Emails Leaked, Redirected to The Pirate Bay

This weekend was a whirlwind for Operation: Payback. and were attacked with the full force of Anonymous, forcing both sites offline. Operation: Payback struck again, this time at the Portuguese website This attack was rather devastating, as once again poor website administration allowed for hackers to leak ACAPOR’s email database into the wild. Now here’s the latest:


Those who understand Portuguese are currently sifting and translating the email database into English. Word on the street is that WANKERS are preparing a pre-loaded Thunderbird release – much like the ACS:Law email database.

Until a few hours ago, the site was redirecting to The Pirate Bay, however, finally some at the site realized their site was compromised and suspended the account. During that time, however, an email bomber and warez were uploaded onto the site.

There was a brief moment on the 17th when was back up – just enough time for a new post to be introduced. Apparently, whatever government organization investigating the DDoS attack wasn’t impressed with Gene’s threat of prison rape, and made them take it down.

ACAPOR, a Portuguese organization which represents the interests of local movie rental companies, has been defaced by Anonymous as part of Operation Payback. The ACAPOR website currently shows a message from Anonymous and then redirects to The Pirate Bay. To make the shaming complete, a 640 MB email database of the outfit was leaked and posted to The Pirate Bay.

Emails can be found here:

Here is the site as I see it:

Payback Time

When the Portuguese movie rental outfit ACAPOR declared war on The Pirate Bay a few weeks ago, it was perhaps inevitable that it would have to deal with the wrath of Operation Payback. ACAPOR wanted to ensure that Portuguese citizens can’t access The Pirate Bay, and filed a complaint against the site.

The movie rental association claimed that The Pirate Bay is directly responsible for about 15 million illegal downloads in Portugal every year. By installing a Pirate Bay block at all ISPs, ACAPOR hopes to decrease the financial damage they claim it causes.

Aside from the complaint against The Pirate Bay, ACAPOR had also announced a separate case against, a site that links to various movie, game and music titles hosted on third party sites. With approximately 50,000 Portugese visitors a day this site is as popular in Portugal as The Pirate Bay, ACAPOR claimed.

In recent weeks dozens of outfits involved in anti-piracy efforts have been targeted by Anonymous, especially those who have targeted The Pirate Bay. Most victims suffer a few days of downtime because of a DDoS attack, but for ACAPOR the damage is much worse.

Just a few hours ago the outfit’s website was defaced, presenting the following message from Operation Payback.

Payback is a bitch, isn’t it?

Black Pirate Ship

To whom it concerns,

Over the past years, we have borne witness to a technological revolution. The individual has become free, in the most extreme anarchistic sense, to share ideas. Some of these ideas are shared behind proxies, darknets, or similar “closed doors”. Nevertheless, the ideas are out there. There have been similar instances of such revolutions of the mind. Their effects on society are inestimably great. As in past times with the invention of the printing press, so it is today that the people embrace this revolution, this new “anarchy” of freedom to share, while their autocratic rulers seek to crush this freedom.

In spite of censorship in the form of copyright law and other restrictions, the people have succeeded in distributing content to the poor, the underprivileged and the oppressed. The most numerous pirates are Chinese, as content filters restrict a vast amount of information in their country. Pirates are also numerous among the poor, as this demographic cannot afford things like college books or entertainment. Indeed, while often ignored by those interested only in bread and circuses, a vast amount of educational literature is available to the everyday pirate online. Piracy democratizes knowledge and makes education affordable.

History repeats itself. There was a time when powers that be attempted to silence the printing press, the blank cassette and the recordable CD. All of these previous attempts at censorship have failed, and future attempts of this nature are doomed to failure. Indeed, the sequestration of human knowledge for the benefit of extremist capitalism is treason against the whole of humanity. All should have the right to listen to a melody, experience a plot and learn from the aggregate of human knowledge available online.

The man on the street already knows this. He knows it when he illegally [1] gives his unused software to a friend or acquaintance. He knows it when he gives that old college book to a person in need. However, he also knows that something is wrong.

He knows that something is wrong when the artwork of little girls is raped in the name of copyright [2]. He knows that something is wrong when solicitors use copyright to blackmail thousands of people sharing information [3]. He knows that something is wrong when corrupt organizations seeking to stem the free flow of information lie through their teeth, produce false documents and spread misinformation about their opponents [4].

He knows that it is not right when his leaders inexplicably support massive capitalist enterprises over the majority opinion of their own people [5]. He know they are wrong when they use illegal means to get what they want, while hypocritically deprecating their opponents for doing the same [6].

If one were to pursue the propaganda of various community-reputable organizations such as…

  • The Motion Picture Association of America [MPAA]
  • The Recording Industry Association of America [RIAA]
  • The British Phonographic Industry [BPI]
  • The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft [AFACT]
  • Stichting Bescherming Rechten Entertainment Industrie Nederland [BREIN]

…They would come across many a morality play suggesting that, if they ‘pirate’ a film or an album, they are depriving a simple artist, actor or crewmember of their rightful wage. This worker won’t be able to break even for their next lot of groceries because the pirate robbed them of their money.

Of course, these organizations carefully omit the fact that only a small percentage of the profits made by big media ever make it to those who actually produce it. Do they ever disclose how small of a percentage most script writers, novelists, etc., actually make? Of course not, and there is a reason why. Do these anti-piracy organizations truthfully disclose how much they receive in donations, and from whom? Of course not, and there is a reason for this also.

In the end, our DDoS efforts have been compared to waiting for a train [7]. What must the people do to be heard? To what lengths must they go to have their pleads taken seriously? Must they to take to the streets with noose and handgun before those in power take notice?

You are forcing our hand by ignoring the voice of the people. In doing so, you bring the destruction of your iron grip of information ever closer. You have ignored the people, attacked the people and lied to the people. For this, you will be held accountable before the people, and you will be punished by them.

                We will not stop.

                        We will not forget.

                                We will prevail.

                                        We are anonymous.
  1. [1]
  2. [2]
  3. [3]
  4. [4] We DID NOT attack the Pirate Party, we ARE NOT affiliated with anti-Scientology activism, and The Pirate Bay has not organized this.
  5. [5]
  6. [6]
  7. [7]

To make things even worse the website then redirects to The Pirate Bay after a few seconds.

And the trouble for ACAPOR doesn’t stop there.

In addition to defacing the website, the ‘hackers’ also managed to grab a copy of the email database of ACAPOR. Little is known about the content of the emails at the moment, but previous leaks from MediaDefender and ACS:Law have shone an interesting light on their operations.

Portuguese speaking TorrentFreak readers who have more information on the contents of the leaked email database are encouraged to get in touch. To be continued.

Payback Time

First to clarify, the attack on wasn’t exactly a “hack” – rather it was a DDoS attack. In order for this type of attack to work, many computers have to connect simultaneously to the target website and barrage it with traffic (packets). If enough computers are part of the attack, the web server becomes overwhelmed and unresponsive. The attack on was partially successful, taking the site offline intermittently until the attack ceased.

Proving those responsible behind a DDoS attack is difficult, if not impossible. The first step in their investigation is to gather the IP addresses that connected during the attack, and attempt to discern those taking part in the attack from those merely visiting. Additionally, it’s possible that many of those taking part of a DoS attack have no knowledge they’re even taking part of the attack, especially if botnets were utilized. Botnets are drone networks of computers taken over by the originating perpetrator, and put to work by continuously pinging the target web server. The goal of the investigation would be to find those originating the attack – a daunting task considering many members of Anonymous uses encryption and proxy servers to hide their identity.

The cyber wars continue, as the Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom was attacked by Anonymous yesterday. As of this writing, the site remains offline.

Update: Anonymous has caught wind of Gene Simmons’ recent comments (see above) and have made and an official target. As of this writing both sites are down



Operation Payback

Payback is a bitch

In the news, traces of Operation Payback can be found everywhere. It may by now be clear that these are not the actions of a group rebelious vandals, but organized protests against the reign of extreme pro-copyright organizations and watchdogs for the entertainment industries. We prepared a statement why we are protesting on a seperate page.

Intellectual Property Office | Website: | IP: (port 80) | Time: 10/16/2010 05:00 PM GMT

[Mon Oct. 18]: and now both redirect to The Pirate Bay! Thanks, Gene! Looks like you’ve switched sides!

[Mon Oct. 18]: Gene Simmons has surrendered! now redirects to The Pirate Bay, however, doesn’t yet!

[Sun Oct. 17]: Acapor got their website defaced and their emails leaked!

[Sun Oct. 17]: The Gene Simmons attack is a response to this.

[Sun Oct. 17]: w00t, IPO is still down. Stay tuned!


You have the following tools at your disposal, split up in two different methods: communication and DDoSsing. Communication focuses on gathering attention for our cause. Use your facebook, twitter and all others to spread the word that pro-copyright organisations have gone too far and that they need to be stopped before they take our freedom of speech away from us.
You can also join us in DDoSing the targeted website as shown above, with one of the tools supplied below.


TODO: Add description/how-to use

Suport at:

                              payback is a bitch ByAnónimo

Operation Payback, (Is a Bitch).

8 de Outubro de 2010
Homepage of Operation Payback:
(Valid as of 09/10/10, things may have changed from then.)

To whom it concerns,

Over the past years we have seen an technological revolution. One where you are free, in the most extreme anarchistic sense, to share ideas. Some of these ideas are shared behind proxies, darknets, or similar “closed doors”, but the ideas are out there. This kind of revolution is of the mind, and its effects on respective societies is all but surprising. While the people embrace this revolution, this new “anarchy” of freedom to share, leaders have crushed and seek to crush it before it even begins in earnest.

These “anarchists”, who are only anarchists in the minds of leaders seeking to destroy this freedom, have succeeded en-mass in distributing content to the poor, the underpriveleged, the restricted. The most popular pirates are the chinese, whose content filters restrict a vast amount of content from them. The second most popular, the poor, who cannot afford things like college books or entertainment. Indeed, while mostly ignored, a vast amount of educational literature is available to the everyday pirate. Enough that saw me through college, even, when I otherwise could not have afforded it.

It is no different, though, than when these powers that be tried to silence the record player, the cassette, the CD. The same claims were made then, and they were ignored, so why now are they listened to? This flawed application of extremist capitalism upon what is considered sacred by any culture – knowledge – is treason upon every human. All should have the right to listen to that beat, experience that twist in a plot, or learn from the mass volumes of literature now made available.

You already know this, however. You know it when you freely give your unused software, illegally I might add (remember: You don’t own the software you buy[1]), to a friend or acquaintence. You know it when you give that old college book to a persin in need. You know it when little girls are basically raped in the name of “justice”[2]. You know it when thousands of bullshit legal letters are sent to SCARE money out of people[3]. You know it when such organizations lie through their teeth, produce false documents, and spread misinformation about its opponents[4]. You know that this is not right when your leaders inexplicably support massive capitalist enterprises over the majority opinion of their own people[5]. You know they are wrong when they use illegal means to get what they want, while simultaneously bashing us for doing the same[6].

If you were to assume the propaganda of various community-reputable organisations such as…

  • The Motion Picture Association of America [MPAA]

  • The Recording Industry Association of America [RIAA]

  • The British Phonographic Industry [BPI]

  • The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft [AFACT]

  • Stichting Bescherming Rechten Entertainment Industrie Nederland [BREIN]

…you would have heard many a story that if you say, ‘pirate’ a film or an album, you are depriving a simple artist, actor or crewmember from their rightful wage. They won’t be able to break even for their next lot of groceries – and YOU robbed them of THEIR money. Money that they only see a small percentage of, they carefully omit. Do they ever tell you how small of a percentage most script writers, novelists, etc, actually make? No, and there is a reason why. Do they tell you how much THEY, the anti-piracy organizations, make? No, and there is a reason why.

In the end, our DDoS efforts have been compared to waiting for a train [7]. What do we have to do to be heard? To be taken seriously? Do we have to take to the streets, throwing molitovs, raiding offices of those we oppose? Realize, you are forcing our hand by ignoring us. You forced us to DDoS when you ignored the people, ATTACKED the people, LIED TO THE PEOPLE! You are forcing us to take more drastic action as you ignore us, THE PEOPLE, now.

We will not stop.

We will not forget.

We will prevail.

We are anonymous.


This is a small list of targets of Operation Payback, (Is a Bitch).

This page is still under construction!

Just a list of targets we supposedly fired on. Please communicate missing information. Page is still under construction. Don’t submit suggestions!
# Target Title Target Site IP address Port Attack Time
0 ACS:Law 80 10/03/2010 7:00 PM UTC
1 ACS:Law 80
2 RIAA 80
3 MPAA 80
4 AiPlex 80
5 Davenport Lyons 80
6 80
7 AFACT 80
8 80
9 80
10 APCM 80
11 WebSheriff
12 DG Legal
13 GM Legal
14 Ministry of Sound 10/03/2010 7:00 PM UTC
15 Ministry of Sound 10/03/2010 7:00 PM UTC
16 SGAE 80 10/06/2010

ACS-Law leaked emails

If you want to help Protecting your rights;

Step 1 Download the Client:
Low Orbit Ion Cannon is an program which enables you to carry out the DoS attack. It can be downloaded for Windows/Linux/Mac. Just select the first file “”.

Step 2 Extract and Run the Client:
Extract the ZIP by rightclicking the file and selecting “Extract”. If you cannot unzip the file, we recommend WinZip. Open the executable file LOIC.exe. If a window opens up asking you to verify, click “Run”.
Step 3 Configure the Client:
Put in the IRC Server field. Select “hivemind” mode. This will automatically select the current target, update your settings and begin flooding.
Step 4 Tell your friends:
Tweet about it by using the tags #ddos, #payback and #savetpb. You can follow the official twitter channel at Bump threads on 4Chan, update your facebook, Digg, Reddit, SU etc. Try to get the word out!
[ ]


Andrew Crossley – The bird is the word by Operation PaybackAndrew Crossley – The bird is the word by Operation Payback
Prank3 by kan3
Prank2 by kan3
Andrew Crossley – Intern reporter at – Part 1 by Operation Payback
Prank7 by kan3
Prank8 by kan3
Blizzard Entertainment – Wants help with using bots and hacks by Operation Payback
ThePlanet – Calling for a dedicated server by Operation Payback
ACS:LAW Firm – Posing as Dataflame by Operation Payback

More Info:

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay

27 de Setembro de 2010

Trailer and more info here:

Creative Commons-licens


Back This Project

29 de Agosto de 2010

About this project

Flattr this Two years in the making, TPB AFK is a documentary about three computer addicts who revolutionized the world of media distribution with their hobby homepage. How did Tiamo, a beer crazy hardware fanatic, Brokep a tree hugging eco activist and Anakata, a paranoid cyber libertarian, get the White House to threaten the Swedish government with trade sanctions? TPB AFK explores what Hollywood’s most hated pirates go through on a personal level.

Trailer and more info here:

This campaign starts exactly one month before the Court of Appeal hearings start in The Pirate Bay trial in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2009 the founders of The Pirate Bay were convicted to 1 year in jail and to pay damages of around 4 million dollars for having ‘assisted in making copyrighted content available’. The precedent in the Pirate Bay case will have consequences for the future of the internet. We will cover the upcoming trial closely.

After the court case we’ll sit down with two years of footage and start editing a first roughcut. The money we raise here will go to studio rent and an editor.

Thanks for showing interest in our project, all support is deeply appreciated!

Simon Klose
Director Photobucket

Project location: Malmö, Sweden

© Against Intellectual Monopoly ®

25 de Julho de 2010


Continuando a tradição aqui está a ultima produção da VODO que mais uma vez decidiu publicar a sua obra atraves da distribuiçao P2P. 

Como todos os que escolhem esta via tambem este tem o apoio da Revolução.

Aqui esta o link do torrent na HomePage da VODO 

Os melhores cumprimentos,


O Navio pirata não pode ser afundado

18 de Maio de 2010

The Pirate Bay foi desconectado na manhã de 17 de maio de 2010 e já navega.

“The Pirate Bay”, o maior site de busca de Torrents do Mundo, que Hollywood tenta há anos Matar, estava offline ontem de manhã. O desligar foi o triste resultado de uma injunção ganha recentemente pelos estúdios de Hollywood que conseguiu que um tribunal Alemão ordena-se ao provedor de banda do Pirate Bay que para-se de servir o site. Este foi apenas o último capítulo de uma longa Guerra entre os grandes estúdios de cinema e os operadores do site. O Pirate Bay teve pelo menos mais dois outros provedores de banda ameacados, nos últimos anos e o site simplesmente adquire outro provedor quando um se fecha. De acordo com o blog TorrentFreak, o provedor CyberBunker, foi obrigado na semana passada pela Corte Regional de Hamburgo, Alemanha, a desconectar o Pirate Bay. Há um ano atrás, quatro homens associados com a Pirate Bay foram considerados culpados de violações de direitos autorais na corte Sueca. Eles foram sentenciados a um ano de prisão e uma multa de 30 milhões de coroas suecas por prejuizo aos detentores dos direitos autorais, entre eles alguns (TODOS E MAiS ALGUNS) estúdios de cinema dos Estados Unidos.

A Associação da Indústria de Gravação da América – do inglês Recording Industry Association of America, ou simplesmente RIAA – obrigou o hospedeiro do site de downloads de torrents, The Pirate Bay a desconectá-lo. O The Pirate Bay simplesmente trocou de hospedeiro e está novamente online, desta vez o seu hospedeiro é a Swedish Pirate Party.

“Nós nos cansamos da Guerra de gato e rato entre Hollywood e o Pirate Bay, então decidimos oferecer banda ao site. Já está na hora de pegar o touro pelos chifres e lutar pelo que acreditamos ser uma actividade legítima”, disse em um comentario o Pirata Rick Falkvinge.

O The Pirate Bay ainda resolveu provocar a RIAA no seu blog, procurei traduzir de forma exacta tal como estava no blog do site:







Confiem em mim, a versão em inglês é muito pior de se “decifrar” mas aqui fica o original:






ACTA Agreement leaked

24 de Março de 2010

Alpha Inventions Ranking

UE, EUA e Japão negoceiam tratado para caçar

piratas na Net


No México decorreram as negociações de um tratado mundial que prevê a obrigatoriedade de identificação de piratas pelos Servidores de Acessos à Net (ISP´s).

UE, EUA e Japão estão presentes na negociação em teu nome.



“It provides for criminalization of copyright infringement, granting law enforcement the powers to perform criminal investigation, arrests and pursue criminal citations or prosecution of suspects who MAY have infringed on copyright”


UE, EUA e Japão negoceiam tratado para caçar

piratas na Net


O  documento  ainda  secreto  esta  aqui,  nos  link´s  abaixo:




Long Live The Pirate Bay

21 de Dezembro de 2009

Neste Post venho tentar redimir a falta de confiança que depositei nos Homens por trás do Worlds most resiliant tracking (The Pirate Bay).

Mea Culpa, quando duvidei, estes “Piratas” já lutaram contra todo o tipo de tempestades, Julgamentos manipulados em que os Lobos mostraram a sua raça e cujo desfecho não poderia ser outro que não o que já havia sido “comprado” a condenação destes Heróis da Liberdade.


 Lutam diariamente contra a brutalidade da logica do lucro cego praticado pela Industria do entretenimento que ameaça com processos milionários os ISP´s que alojam o TPB  tal qual um mafioso de 3ª. 

Mas mesmo contra ventos e mares a TBP continua a ser um ponto de referencia para a comunidade P2P e não só.









Deixo aqui o meu singelo agradecimento a quem arriscando muito, contra tudo, mas não contra todos, mantêm firme o objectivo da Liberdade e a luta diaria pela mudança. 



Felizmente para todos os que querem ter um farol de Liberdade que os guie até á Vitoria Final, a estes “Piratas” nem o dinheiro, com que os do costume silenciam os demais Lutadores, neste caso, não resultou.



Espero que nada, nunca resulte, espero e quero acreditam que existem Homens neste mundo escravizado, que não desistem, não se rendem e não se deixam comprar, mesmo que não seja verdade a esperança tem o seu valor.



Long Live The Pirate Bay and Say It Loud Say It Proud:


We Are All The Pirate Bay



Apoio Artistico

20 de Dezembro de 2009

Mais um artista decidiu publicar a sua obra atraves da distribuiçao P2P.


Como todos os que escolhem esta via tambem este tem o apoio da Revolução.

Aqui esta o link do torrent no TPB




Industria Farmaceutica “O Mercador da Morte”

20 de Dezembro de 2009

A Dr Rauni Kilde fez parte do aparelho mundial de saude publica durante muitos anos,  pelo que deve saber o que diz. E o que diz é grave, faz pensar aqueles espiritos que como eu não se deixam manipular facilmente. 

Certo é que esta Industria ganha dinheiro com os doentes e não só. Medicar mesmo as pessoas saudaveis tornou-se normal. Testar medicamentos em paises terceiro mundistas com consequencias catrastroficas tambem é normal para esta Industria.

E consequencias para quem prevarica em função unicamente do lucro? Nada? Não se faz nada?

Eu vou o minimo divulgar. Bem sei que estes assuntos são chatos e não passam na Tv portanto não deve ser verdade. Certo???




Google responde à declaração de Hamburgo

27 de Julho de 2009


A “Declaração de Hamburgo” é o tratado que pretende defender os direitos de autor na Web, que foi entregue à comissão europeia no passado dia 9 de Julho. Este documento diz-nos que “a Internet proporciona numerosas oportunidades para o jornalismo profissional – mas apenas se a base de rentabilidade permanecer segura através dos canais de distribuição digitais. Actualmente isto não acontece”, ou seja, basicamente querem proibir a indexação dos conteúdos produzidos “profissionalmente” na Web.

Vários grupos vão juntar-se hoje em Belém para assinar este documento.


 Analisando esta situação eu não podia estar mais satisfeito com isto, para quem não sabe uma das minhas principais áreas de interesse, é a antropologia Web, que não é mais do que muito resumidamente, tentar perceber como as coisas funcionam online, e já reparei que para quem não é “Web native” isto pode ser  muito difícil perceber.


Estes senhores não vão fazer mais do que matar o jornalismo online, o que para mim são óptimas notícias, pois vão aumentar o tamanho da porta que já existe para o conteúdo de autor, blogues, sites, redes sociais …etc. Fantástico!


Estes senhores que supostamente deveriam estar a arranjar formas de o seu conteúdo ser cada vez mais agregado, não, estão a tentar fazer exactamente o contrário, ou seja, estão a tentar criar muralhas, ilhas ou penínsulas com o seu conteúdo, o mal disto, é que esse tipo de estratégia já deu provas que não é por ai que se deve seguir, e estas provas vêm de há 20 anos atrás quando surgiu a web (não estive a confirmar datas). Para vos provar que a minha ideia é o caminho certo a seguir vejam o vídeo a baixo, do criador da web Sir Tim Berners-Lee, considerado um dos poucos génios vivos, a falar sobre este assunto, e a insistir com tudo o que tem que o caminho é exactamente o oposto. Mas os senhores dos grandes grupos de comunicação (que só querem é encher os bolsos) é que sabem. Aos jornalistas, que alguns deles se aperceberam há muito que o caminho a seguir não é esse, bem hajam, aos outros, opha, temos pena!


Quanto à resposta do google, foi das mais simples que podia existir, “nós ao agregar as notícias não estamos a cometer nenhum acto ilegal, o nosso software permite restringir a indexação de sites”, ou seja, usem o “Disallow /” no robots.txt ou “noindex, nofollow” no site, e passado uns meses digam-me o resultado!


 Já agora aproveito aqui para deixar a solução simples para os conteúdos produzidos poderem ser rentabilizados da melhor maneira:

Mais agregação + mais tráfego = maior rentabilização 



Fonte do texto:

Steal This Film II

19 de Julho de 2009


Dois bons documentarios gratuitos que podes e deves fazer o Download, aqui:


18 de Julho de 2009

Pirate Love

Não, não é uma mentira de 1 de Abril! O Pirate Bay acaba mesmo de ser vendido à Global Gaming Factory X, uma empresa sueca proprietária da maior rede de cibercafés e salões de jogos do mundo, por 60 milhões de coroas suecas (5,5 milhões de euros). Foram os próprios piratas suecos a confirmarem a informação no seu blog oficial mas a companhia também emitiu um comunicado. Para além de controlar uma série de cibercafés e salões de jogos, a companhia também desenvolve soluções de software de gestão para cibercafés.

Public Right

Apesar do valor da transacção ser bastante inferior ao que seria de esperar para um dos 100 sites mais visitados do mundo, o dinheiro é mais do que suficiente para os três administradores pagarem a indemnização no valor de 2,7 milhões a que em Abril passado foram condenados a pagar às editoras discográficas e estúdios de cinema por um tribunal de primeira instância. Contudo, a decisão encontra-se neste momento a ser alvo de recurso.

Warn a BrotherA equipa do site afirma que irá dedicar-se ao lobbying favorável à liberdade de expressão na Internet e garante que esta é a melhor solução para assegura a continuidade e a evolução da “Baía dos Piratas”.


A aquisição, que deverá ficar concluída já este Agosto, servirá para a Global Gaming Factory X implementar novos modelos económicos capazes de compensar os fornecedores de conteúdos e os titulares de direitos, com vista a legalizar o site. Ao mesmo tempo, a GGF aproveitou também para adquirir a Peerialism, outra empresa especializada em tecnologia de partilha ficheiros, por um montante de 100 milhões de coroas suecas (9,2 milhões de euros).

Apesar das críticas à novidade por parte dos Piratas mais radicais não se terem feito esperar, os administradores do tracker de BitTorrent fazem questão de acalmar os ânimos: “Muita gente está preocupada. Nós não estamos e vocês também não deveriam estar!” Segundo eles, o preço de venda acordado é bastante inferior ao valor real do site, mas não é isso que lhes interessa.


O mais interessante é que são as pessoas certas com a atitude correcta e boas chances de manterem o site em funcionamento. Como todos vocês sabem, o site não tem sofrido grandes melhorias nos últimos dois a três anos (…) Na Internet, as coisas morrem se não evoluem. Não queremos que isto aconteça.

Fuck Off

Por fim, os piratas suecos sabem melhor do que ninguém que caso os novos proprietários arruinarem o site, os utilizadores rumarão em massa para outras paragens. “Essa é a melhor garantia de que temos que o site continuará a ser administrador da forma que todos desejamos.”

Tecla Pirata

Se é certo que haverá muita gente que acusará os piratas suecos de traição à causa, (INCLUINDO EU) também é verdade que o Pirate Bay nunca passou de uma grande Zona Autónoma Temporária ao estilo de Hakim Bey. Desiludem-se aqueles anti-capitalistas que denunciam tudo o que tenha a ver com o capital! Hoje em dia as possibilidades de influenciar de facto os destinos da sociedade são praticamente nulas se não possuirmos capital. E a verdade é que este dinheiro servirá não só para construir várias outras Zonas Autónomas Temporárias mas também para ajudar ao desenvolvimento de uma grande Zona Autónoma Permanente.

Pirate Flag

Actualização (12h30m): em entrevista ao TorrentFreak, Peter Sunde AKA Brokep, porta-voz do Pirate Bay, informa que o site irá deixar de alojar quaisquer ficheiros torrents e deverá encerrar o seu tracker que é actualmente utilizado para cerca de 50 por cento do tráfego mundial de BitTorrent. Sem a existência de um tracker, o protocolo BitTorrent não consegue ligar os utilizadores que partilham ficheiros e aqueles que pretendem descarregá-los.

O novo Pirate Bay será descentralizado e os utilizadores serão incentivados a utilizar um tracker terceiro que ainda não foi lançado. Embora não existam pormenores, é provável que se trate de um tracker descentralizado criado pela Peerialism, a empresa especializada em serviços de streaming de vídeo via P2P que a GGF também pretende adquirir. Outra possibilidade passa pelo protocolo Secure P2P que os piratas suecos anunciaram em 2007 mas que ficou entretanto em “águas de bacalhau”.

Stress Kit

Por outro lado, os ficheiros torrent, que contêm as informações relativas aos ficheiros e aos trackers a contactar, deixarão de ser alojados nos servidores do Pirate Bay, passando a ser guardados num novo serviço de alojamento externo que será aberto a outros sites de torrents por intermédio de uma API pública.

Já agora, quem quiser comprar acções do Pirate Bay e tornar-se co-proprietário do site pode desde já fazê-lo, uma vez que a Global Gaming Factory X se encontra cotada em bolsa. De qualquer modo, a aquisição ainda necessita de ser aprovada pelo Conselho de administração da GGF, que dado o processo actualmente a decorrer contra os administradores da “Baía dos Piratas” deverá ter certamente em conta o seu impacto jurídico.


                                      My Pirate Flag  No Sorry


The Pirate Bay vendido, comprador quer introduzir novo modelo de negócios

11 de Julho de 2009

Espero ter tempo, nos próximos dias, para reler as ousadas declarações de um integrante do Pirate Bay que esteve no Brasil na semana passada (participando do FISL), tentando colocá-las à luz desta negociação que estava em andamento, e em especial do que o comprador do site anunciou quanto ao modelo de negócio desejado.

Vou destacar um pouco do que a imprensa divulgou na semana passada:

Ao abrir do segundo dia de palestras do Fórum Internacional de Software Livre, o sueco Peter Sunde levantou a plateia com uma apresentação repleta de ataques ao actual modelo de negócios da indústria cultural. “A Industria Discográfica recusam-se a achar novo modelo de negócio, – diz o fundador do Pirate Bay – Você pode cobrar pelo serviço, mas não mais pelo conteúdo. Isso acabou. É como tentar banir uma cor. ‘O azul agora é mau’? Isso simplesmente não funciona”, disse Sunde um dia antes, em entrevista colectiva dada á imprensa local Brasileira.


E agora um pouco do que o comprador do Pirate Bay divulgou:

Em comunicado, a GGF afirmou que o site precisa de um novo modelo de negócios para sobreviver. “Gostaríamos de introduzir modelos de negócios que assegurem o pagamento a provedores de conteúdos e detentores de direitos autorais sobre materiais cujo Download é disponibilizado pelo site”, disse Hans Pandeya, diretor-executivo da Global Gaming Factory.


A empresa Global Gaming Factory (GGF) anuncia a aquisição do The Pirate Bay pelo equivalente a US$ 7,8 milhões. Em comunicado, a GGF afirmou que o site precisa de um novo modelo de negócios para sobreviver. “Gostaríamos de introduzir modelos de negócios que assegurem o pagamento a provedores de conteúdos e detentores de direitos autorais sobre materiais baixados pelo site”, disse Hans Pandeya, diretor-executivo da Global Gaming Factory.

Um comunicado no blog do Pirate Bay comenta a aquisição, dizendo que está ser vendido por um preço abaixo de seu valor e que “dinheiro não é o que importa”.

“A parte interessante é ter as pessoas certas e com a atitude certa administrando o site. Na internet, o que não evolui morre”, diz o texto.

O mesmo comunicado do Pirate Bay informa que os lucros da venda serão destinados a ajudar projectos de liberdade de expressão e abertura na rede.”

Pirate Bay é vendido por US$ 7,8 mi: “Sob pressão na Justiça, o agregador de torrents é vendido á rede sueca de cybercafés. Os fundadores do agregador de torrents The Pirate Bay concordaram em vender o site para uma rede de pontos de acesso públicos na Suécia chamada Global Gaming Factory X por 7,8 milhões de dólares, afirmou a companhia nesta terça-feira (30/06). A Global Gaming Factory (GGF) X afirmou que quer encontrar maneiras de pagar aos provedores de conteúdo e detentores de direitos autorais sempre que uma música ou filme for baixado no The Pirate Bay. “Muitas pessoas estão preocupadas. Nós não estamos e você também não deveria estar!”, afirma o post no blog oficial do The Pirate Bay que confirma o negócio.”

Empresa compra Pirate Bay e planeja novo modelo de negócios: “Parece piada de 1o de Abril mas não é: “A empresa sueca Global Gaming Factory (GGF) anunciou nesta terça-feira (30) a aquisição do site de downloads Pirate Bay pelo equivalente a US$ 7,8 milhões. O site de partilha de ficheiros via torrent está entre os 100 mais visitados no mundo e foi condenado, em Abril, por quebra de direitos autorais. Em comunicado, a GGF afirmou que o site precisa de um novo modelo de negócios para sobreviver. “Gostaríamos de introduzir modelos de negócios que assegurem o pagamento a provedores de conteúdos e detentores de direitos autorais sobre materiais baixados pelo site”, disse Hans Pandeya, Diretor-executivo da Global Gaming Factory. Segundo a empresa, um novo modelo de partilha de ficheiros está a caminho. “Criadores e provedores de conteúdo precisam controlar seu material e também serem pagos por ele. Os usuários precisam de downloads mais rápidos e mais qualidade”, diz o comunicado.”

Your Share


Support for bloggers’ rights

11 de Julho de 2009

Bloggers' Rights at EFF

Bloggers' Rights at EFF